AP 105

School Improvement Planning


The purpose of this administrative procedure is to provide expectations for schools in relation to planning for continuous student improvement. 


The following guidelines are intended to support the Ministerial Framework for Enhancing Student Learning, as well as the Board’s current Strategic Plan

  1. Principals are required to establish a consultative committee structure for developing, implementing, resourcing and communicating the School Improvement Plan. The collaborative structure should include, but is not limited to:
    1. Teachers within the school;
    2. Support staff within the school;
    3. Representatives of the Parent Advisory Council;
    4. Community members;
    5. Students enrolled in the school, where appropriate.
  2. The principal is responsible for establishing the terms of reference for this committee and communicating it broadly (See Appendix 1: Terms of Reference). 
  3. Principals are required to follow the School Improvement Plan Template (See Appendix 2: School Improvement Plan Templates) designed for their level. In addition, the School Improvement Plan must meet the following requirements:
    1. Plans must be primarily driven by the broad mandate of the education system (i.e. intellectual, human, social, and career development) and the provincial curriculum.
    2. Plans must consider the goals of the Board’s Strategic Plan and the associated Operational Plan established for that level.
    3. School plans should be multi-year documents that are updated annually based on new information that is relevant to the local context and needs of the school.
    4. Schools are also expected to focus on priority student populations, including Indigenous students, children in care, and students with diverse needs and disabilities.
    5. School goals must be made available to all parents using the school's website (See Appendix 3: Website Communication Guidelines).
    6. On at least an annual basis, principals must communicate evidence of progress relative to school goals. Evidence must be meaningful, and where appropriate, include progress being made with vulnerable student populations.
    7. Under the leadership of the principal, the school improvement committee is also required to contemplate resource allocation in support of the goals identified in the School Improvement Plan.
  4. Key dates for School Improvement Plans include:
    1. Updated School Plans must be submitted to the supervising assistant superintendent by no later than September 30 each year;
    2. The goals for student success for the upcoming year must be posted on the school’s website with evidence of current progress by no later than October 30 each year. This should include evidence connected to the collective mandate of the educated citizen within the domains of intellectual, human and social, and career development;
    3. The school’s progress must be updated on the school’s website by no later than January 30 each year.

Last Revised: January 2025