The purpose of this administrative procedure is to ensure that appropriate learning resources are used in schools to support curricular learning standards and educational programs, and that district processes for the selection of learning resources conform to the School Act and district expectations.
1. Definition
- 1.1 The term ‘learning resources’ refers to any person(s) or material with instructional content or function that is used for teaching purposes during or outside of instructional time. Learning resources include print and audio-visual materials, digital resources including computer software and digitized pictures and video, computer accessible data, community agencies, organizations, and people
2. Teachers must use the district’s Learning Resource Selection Criteria (AP 210-1 Criteria for the Selection of Learning Resources) when developing or selecting classroom resources.
3. Principles Supporting the Selection of Learning Resources
The selection of learning resources is guided by the following principles:
- 3.1 Teachers have a professional responsibility to provide students with a wide range of learning resources that meet provincial curricular standards.
- 3.2 Learning resources will reflect Abbotsford School District’s policies and procedures pertaining to safe schools, inclusion, and respect.
- 3.3 As partners in education, parents/guardians are encouraged to consult with school staff about resources being used in their child’s classroom.
- 3.4 The challenge of a learning resource by any parent will result in a thoughtful review of the resource.
4. Selecting Learning Resources
Teachers are expected to demonstrate judicious care and consideration for the resources made available to students. The selection of learning resources is a professional matter, and is guided by judgment, and district and parental expectations. Resource selection is an ongoing process that includes the removal of materials that are no longer appropriate according to the selection criteria detailed in AP 210 – 1 Criteria for the Selection of Learning Resources:
- 4.1 Curricular Fit: The resource is aligned to one or more big ideas, curricular competencies or content standards in the provincial curriculum for that classroom.
- 4.2 Resource Quality: The resource incorporates accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information from authoritative sources.
- 4.3 Age Appropriateness: The resource is appropriate for the age, grade level and maturity of the students in the class.
- 4.4 Meet requirements set by copyright and privacy legislation
- 4.5 Fulfills the following social consideration principles:
- Promotes diversity, appropriately representing the status areas of the BC Human Rights Code: race, colour, ancestry, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, and disability
- Incorporates diverse racial backgrounds and lived experiences, demonstrates equity, and reflects Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) voices
- Promotes respect for and understanding of inclusion and diversity in Canadian society
- Provides appropriate context for complex issues and demonstrates an awareness of personal bias
- Emphasizes opportunities for critical thinking
- Ensures resources are current and do not contain offensive or stereotypical content
5. Challenge Process
- 5.1 Where a resource is in use in a classroom, parents/guardians have a responsibility to respectfully discuss any concerns with their child’s teacher to arrive at a mutually agreed upon solution.
- 5.2 Based on appropriateness, any parent/guardian may formally challenge learning resources that are in use in a classroom where their child is enrolled. Concerns regarding the use of learning resources must first be addressed and resolved, if possible, at the school level with the staff in question, and in turn the principal.
- 5.3 If the concern cannot be resolved at the school level, the request should then be directed to the challenge process below:
- 5.3.1 The parent must file their challenge using AP 210-2 Learning Resources Challenge Form which must be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent and/or Director of Instruction of Curriculum, who will strike a Reconsideration Committee to review the resource. The Reconsideration Committee shall be comprised of the Assistant Superintendent and/or Director of Instruction of Curriculum, the school’s principal, and a parent representative (from the District Parent Advisory Council).
- 5.3.2 The Reconsideration Committee will review the material using the AP 210 -1 District Criteria for the Selection of Learning Resources, as well as the concerns expressed by the questioner. The Reconsideration Committee:
- Will examine the challenged resource in the context of the educational program, and the provincial learning standards for the course/subject.
- Will weigh the benefits and shortfalls of the resource and form an opinion based on the material as a whole.
- May invite the questioner and teacher to attend a Reconsideration Committee meeting.
- Will make a determination and communicate it to the questioner and classroom teacher.
- 5.3.3 If the Reconsideration Committee determines that the resource is not appropriate for the classroom in question it will no longer be used for that grade level.
- 5.3.4 If the Reconsideration Committee determines that the resource is appropriate, and the questioner is not satisfied, an appeal may be filed to the Board of Education by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer’s office.
*Note: The Ministry of Education and Child Care alternative delivery policy exists only for the Physical and Health Education curriculum, related to sexuality and reproduction. If a parent chooses to exercise their right to remove their child from school, based on their objection to any other curricular resource, the district has no obligation to provide alternative delivery to meet those learning standards.
AP 210-1 Criteria for the Selection of Learning Resources
AP 210-2 Learning Resources Challenge Form
School Act
AP 301 – Access to Students
Define Discrimination & Harassment
Last Revised: December 2024