February 7, 2025 - All schools and bus routes running usual schedules today.
Last update: February 7th 2025 at 6:27am
It is essential that assessment and reporting practices in the district encourage and provide effective feedback that students can use for self-evaluation and growth. Sound assessment practices allow teachers to adjust instruction to best respond to the needs of learners. In turn, the results of such assessments can be used to communicate achievement to students, parents, staff and others. Assessments also provide valuable information to the Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Board of Education to guide the allocation of resources to schools and programs.
This procedure provides criteria for assessment and evaluation of student achievement and underscores the importance of providing credible evidence in relation to student learning.
1. Definitions:
1.1 Formative Assessment (Assessment for Learning): Assessment intended to increase student learning in relation to the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care Learning Standards and Standards of Achievement. It is designed to give teachers information to adjust instruction and guide instructional practice. Teachers use this information to provide feedback to students for improved learning.
1.2 Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning): Assessment intended to provide evidence of student achievement for reporting relative to the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care's curricular Learning Standards. These competency and content standards are used to confirm what students know and can do as a result of their learning.
1.3 Reporting: Communication of a student’s achievement status provided to the student(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s) in relation to the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care's curricular competency and content Learning Standards. Communication of student learning should reflect achievement relative to the provinicial proficiency scale.
1.4 Descriptive Feedback: Anecdotal feedback about student learning that reflects strengths and areas for growth.
2. School and Classroom Assessments
2.1 School and classroom level assessments are integral to the planning and delivery of curriculum and to the implementation of instructional approaches to best meet student needs. These assessments are used for the collection of varied and valid data on student learning in relation to the Learning Standards and Success Criteria. Teachers shall use a balance of these assessments to gauge student learning and develop necessary interventions. Examples of such assessments include:
Quizzes (written, oral, practical)
• Summative test (written, oral, practical)
• Samples of student work
• Presentations
• Oral and written reports
• Journal/learning logs
• Performance tasks and projects
• Portfolio assessments
• Ongoing informal/formal observations
• Student self-assessments2.2 Information and results from these assessments will facilitate planning for increased student learning and communication with parent(s)/guardian(s).
3. District Assessments
3.1 The Superintendent of Schools shall design and implement district-based assessments for system-wide continuous measurement of achievement in relation to the Learning Standards and Success Criteria. Regular collection and analysis of performance data will provide support to students, teachers, and parent(s)/guardian(s) to ensure ongoing student improvement at the school and district level.
3.2 All schools shall administer performance-based assessments as required by the Superintendent to provide evidence of system-wide student achievement. All students will participate in all grade appropriate district assessments unless otherwise exempted by Ministerial guidelines.
4. Provincial, National and International Assessments
4.1 Large scale assessments provide information about system performance and provide a measure of accountability to parents, community and other stakeholders.
4.2 Provincial, national and international assessments are prescribed and/or approved by the Ministry of Education and Child Care. All schools shall participate in provincial, national and international assessments as required by the Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Superintendent.
5. Assessment Guidelines
5.1 To ensure an appropriate level of concept attainment, teachers shall provide students with the purpose of assessments, clear learning targets and the criteria for the desired levels of performance. To the greatest extent possible, the Ministry of Education and Child Care Performance Standards shall be used a reference point for determining student grades.
5.2 Multiple formative assessment opportunities shall be provided for students to demonstrate their understanding and application of concepts.
5.3 Grades shall be determined based on a variety of assessments to meet the diverse learning styles of the students. Teachers need not include all scores in grades, but instead should score student work that is representative of the student’s most consistent level of achievement in relation to the Learning Standards.
5.4 Teachers shall consider the body of evidence, and use professional judgment when determining student grades. Therefore, teachers should avoid using the mean (average) and instead use professional judgement when deciding upon a grade.
5.5 Assessments should represent the achievement level of students; therefore, teachers should avoid the use of ‘zeros’ as a score for missing or late assignments.
(Last Revised: June 2023)