February 7, 2025 - All schools and bus routes running usual schedules today.
Last update: February 7th 2025 at 6:27am
The purpose of this procedure is to outline district requirements and criteria that must be followed for any curricular or extra-curricular activities requiring students to leave the premises of their registered school.
1. These guidelines are meant to be in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Act for any transportation of students.
2. Parents and staff should be consulted regarding the desirability of field trips; especially where major expenditures will be required.
3. Definitions
3.1 Field Trips - Curricular Field Trips
3.1.1 Mandatory - A field trip is deemed ‘mandatory’ when students are required to participate in order to meet specific course learning outcomes.
- If a classroom field trip is deemed mandatory, there is no charge to the student.
3.1.2 Optional - A field trip is deemed ‘optional’ when specific learning outcomes can be attained through either a field trip or an alternate learning opportunity.
- A fee may be charged for an optional field trip to cover admission and transportation costs.
- Students who do not participate in an optional field trip will be provided with an alternate learning opportunity based on specific learning outcomes addressed in the field trip.
3.2 Field Trips - Extra-curricular Field Trips
3.2.1 Extra-curricular field trips are not evaluated as a formal part of an educational program and a fee may be charged.
3.3 Supervisor - an employee who exercises authority according to district procedures or directives for a specific activity within the context of this procedure.
3.3.1 The school principal may designate, in writing, the supervisor who will assume overall responsibility for arranging and supervising the travel and activity.
3.3.2 If the principal does not designate a supervisor, the principal will assume the responsibilities of the supervisor.
3.4 Adult Monitor - an adult (staff member or other volunteer) other than the supervisor, who accompanies a group of students on a field trip to assist the supervisor in managing the activities related to the field trip.
3.5 General Trip Types
One Day Low Risk
Routine trips with no inherent risk located within the region are approved by school principal. (i.e. walking field trip, public performances, museum tours, waterslides or waterparks, concerts, plays, Aquarium, Science World, Parliament Buildings, cycling on a city bike trail, etc.)
These trips will be:
- Of one day or less duration
- Takes place within the region
- Do not involve hiking, mountain biking, snowshoeing, canoeing, kayaking, surfing, snowboarding, skiing, rock climbing (rock or rope), or other higher-risk activities.
Extracurricular Athletics
For all extracurricular athletics including teams that are registered through BC School Sports and participate in tournaments, including Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Mountain Biking, Rugby, Soccer, Track and Field, Volleyball, and Wrestling.
Trips that are outside the region but within BC require both principal and Superintendent or designate approval. Any travel outside of the region and outside of BC requires Superintendent or designate approval.
High-Risk Activity
Any activity that has increased inherent risk whether one day, overnight or multi-day: (i.e. wilderness experience, climbing (rock or rope), water sports (kayaking, canoeing, surfing), skiing/snowboarding/snowshoeing, horseback riding, etc.) requires both principal and Superintendent or designate approval.
- These trips may be more than one-day in duration
Trips that do not have appropriately certified personnel present during the activity such as skateboarding at McMillan Youth Park, or swimming at Cultus Lake outside of the waterpark, are deemed a high-risk activity and are sent to the board office for the Superintendent or designate review and approval.
Overnight/Multi-Day Low Risk
Any trip with a low inherent risk that is either overnight or misses more than three days of school requires both principal and Superintendent or designate approval.
- These trips require both female and male supervisors on all overnight coed trips.
Out of Province
Trips of any length outside of BC requires both principal and Superintendent or designate approval.
- These trips require both female and male supervisors on all overnight coed trips.
- May be one day duration or longer
International travel, including trips to the United States, requires the Superintendent or designate final approval. Trips to the United States must be submitted at least 2 months prior to the trip date. International trips must be submitted for In-Principle approval at least 12 months prior to the trip date with related lists and consent forms submitted two months prior to trip date.
3.6 Within the region – within the following limits:
- Hwy 3 east to Hope Slide but not beyond
- Hwy 1 east to Yale but not beyond
- Hwy 5 east to Hope, but not beyond, including Camp Kawkawa, Camp Squeah and Othello Tunnels Park
- north and east along Highway No. 7 Hope, including those areas accessible from Highway No. 7, such as Weaver Creek, up to and including Harrison Hot Springs and Camp Chehalis, but excluding Hemlock Valley
- west to the Greater Vancouver area and the Highway No. 1 and Island Highway corridor on Vancouver Island
- northwest to Whistler
4. Supervision Ratios
4.1 The following minimum ratios shall be observed on busses and on all-day field trips:
- Grade K-3 n/a
- K – Grade 5 Minimum 1 adult per 10 students
- Grades 6 – 8 Minimum 1 adult per 12 students
- Grades 9 – 12 Minimum 1 adult per 15 students
4.1.1 The Superintendent will have the discretion to approve exceptions to the above ratios on trips within the region.
4.2 The following minimum adult/student supervision ratios on overnight trips shall be:
- Grades 4-5 1 adult to each 5 students
- Grades 6-8 1 adult to each 8 students
- Grades 9-12 1 adult to each 10 students
5. Accommodation and Supervision on Overnight Field Trips
5.1 A teacher employed by the district must accompany students on all overnight field trips. Note: Refer to Section 4.2 for overnight trip ratios.
- 5.1.1 A female adult must be present on any overnight trip that involves a female student(s) (or male adult for male students).
5.2 When overnight accommodation is required, preference will be given to commercial (motel/hotel) accommodation or group accommodation in a gym.
- 5.2.1 Where students are being housed in commercial accommodation, at least one supervisor (district employee) shall remain on site at all times.
5.3 Billeting means staying in a host student’s private residence on an overnight trip.
- 5.3.1 When district students are being billeted, the host principal must pre-approve the homes selected.
- 5.3.2 If students need to be billeted, the sponsor teacher should ensure that students are placed with a family who will provide a safe environment. Staff sponsors are responsible for monitoring housing arrangements to ensure that students have a safe and positive experience.
- 5.3.3 Students shall be billeted in pairs of the same gender.
- 5.3.4 Where considerations need to be made in order to accommodate a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity, decisions will be made based on safety and preference of all students involved.
- 5.3.5 A list of the host billet students including their name, address, and telephone number will be provided to the host principal and the Field Trip Supervisor.
- 5.3.6 The Field Trip Supervisor must provide the host teacher sponsor with the following:
• Medical insurance information for each participant (each student must have medical insurance)
• Additional coverage for out-of-province/country travel
• List of students taking medication and the procedures for administering the medication
• List of students with allergies, including the nature of the allergy
• Written parental consent if medicine may need to be administered- 5.3.7 If the host school or billet will be transporting visiting students by private vehicle, parents must be advised in advance.
- 5.3.8 As ambassadors of the district, students must obey the rules of their own school district and the host district.
6. Required Approvals
6.3 Travel within the region requires prior written approval from the principal.
6.4 Trips outside the Fraser Valley & Metro Vancouver, but Within the Region and Within BC - Application is made to the principal using the Field Trip Approval Form (AP 308-8) in advance of trip date.
- 6.4.1 Travel may be by private vehicle or bus (see Section 10)
6.5 Travel outside of the region but within BC requires the prior written approval of the principal and Superintendent or designate.
- 6.5.1 Travel to locations outside of the region will be by coach-type bus or public transportation (e.g. rail, commercial aircraft, government ferry, etc. (If elementary or middle school, please refer to Section 1.3)
6.6 Any Out-of-Province trips requires prior approval from the principal and Superintendent or designate using the Field Trip Approval Form AP 308-8 Field Trip Approval Form in advance of the trip date. The principal indicates support of the application by approving the form.
- 6.6.1 Before financial commitments are made for trips outside BC, the principal should seek approval or approval in-principle from the Superintendent or designate. Application is made by the principal to the Superintendent or designate using the Field Trip Approval Form AP 308-8 Field Trip Approval Form.
NOTE: All trips receiving approval in-principle still require final approval by the Superintendent or designate prior to the departure date.- 6.6.2 Final approval may be granted by the Superintendent or designate a minimum of one month prior to the planned departure date.
- 6.6.3 International travel including trips to the United States will require completion of the AP 308-12 International Field Trip – Declaration Form as well as confirmation of medical coverage for out-of-country travel. Travel to locations outside of the region will be by coach-type bus or public transportation (e.g. rail, commercial aircraft, government ferry, etc.)
6.7 Field trips will be considered and may be approved if no more than three school days are involved. Any extension beyond three school days will require special application to the Superintendent or designate and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
6.8 Any travel that does not meet all the criteria provided in this procedure requires prior written approval of the principal and the Superintendent or designate.
6.9 For every field trip, the principal is responsible for ensuring that parent(s)/guardian(s) have signed the appropriate consent forms before travel is permitted.
7. Financial Hardship
7.3 The Board will ensure that no student is denied an opportunity to participate in educational programs or educational curricular activities based on financial hardship.
- 7.3.1 The Board will ensure that no student is denied an opportunity to participate in specialty Academies based on financial hardship.
- 7.3.2 The Board will ensure that no student is denied an opportunity to participate in optional curricular field trips based on financial hardship.
- 7.3.3 The option for waiving school fees for school programs, optional curricular field trips and other activities must be made available and posted in a conspicuous place. The principal must ensure the process for waiving a fee is fair and confidential.
8. Student safety and well-being are the first and most important criteria that must be met for any trip.
8.3 Weather and road conditions must be carefully monitored, and extreme caution must be exercised when deciding whether to proceed with travel.
- 8.3.1 The principal or designate shall make the final decision (in consultation with the Transportation Department if using a school bus).
8.4 Where a trip involves potentially dangerous activities (e.g. water sports (kayaking, canoeing, surfing), hiking, climbing (rock or rope), skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, horseback riding, etc.), provision must be made for appropriately certified personnel to be present during such activities.
- 8.4.1 Such activities require the use of the AP 308-5 Field Trip Consent and Waiver Form for Participation in a Higher Risk Activity.
- 8.5 All travel in a private vehicle (to, from and/or at the destination) requires prior written parental consent AP 308-4 Field Trip Parent/Guardian Consent Form.
9. Insurance – Out of Country Medical Coverage
9.1 Students must carry extended medical coverage for “Out of Country” travel. AP 308-4 Parent/Guardian Consent Form.
10. Transportation Options
10.1 School District Buses
10.1.1 School district buses and drivers shall provide transport for curricular and extra-curricular trips, except when:
- school district vehicles or drivers are unavailable
- school district vehicles and drivers are available, but the cost is higher than the cost of using an outside bus company
- cargo requirements cannot be safely accommodated by a school district bus (per motor vehicle regulations)
- trips extend beyond the region, to the U.S., or to Vancouver Island
- certain graduation ceremonies require specific transport (at the discretion of the Principal)
Note: All school bus safety rules and guidelines, established by the Abbotsford School District Transportation Department, must be adhered to (See AP 308-13 Bus Safety Rules.)
10.2 Bus Companies
10.2.1 The Secretary-Treasurer or designate will book bus companies for all curricular and extra-curricular trips based on the following:
- All buses used must qualify as “school buses” under the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations.
- All other factors being equal, curricular and extra-curricular trips will be awarded to the low tender.
- All charter bus requirements must be requested through the Transportation Department and all charter carriers must have their credentials verified and certified by the Transportation staff to ensure their Maintenance Program and licensing requirements meet Department of Transport and Ministry of Education and Child Care requirements.
10.3 Private and Volunteer Drivers’ Vehicles
10.3.1 The principal shall first ensure that each potential volunteer driver has completed the District Volunteer Application process AP 416-2 and has obtained a criminal reference check through the district office. Refer to AP 416 for more information
10.3.2 The principal shall ensure that each driver’s license record is checked, and that each driver has completed AP 308-2 Volunteer Driver Application. These forms must be updated each calendar year. The supervisor will first be satisfied that the driver is on the school’s list of approved drivers. Only the approved driver for a vehicle may drive that vehicle during the trip.
10.3.3 Approved Drivers - Each school will maintain a roster of district- approved drivers. Drivers must have:
- at least three years of driving experience for permitted trips outside the school district, or at least one year of driving experience for permitted trips within the school district
- an unrestricted license (except for corrective lenses) to drive the particular vehicle
10.3.4 Parental Consent - The supervisor is responsible for obtaining, prior to each trip, the written consent of the parents(s)/guardians(s) of each student to be transported AP 308-4 Field Trip Parents/Guardian Consent Form.
10.3.5 Passenger Loading List AP 308-15 - A passenger loading list with passengers’ home telephone numbers and contacts must be available both in the school and carried with the supervisor. All student medical alert information should be included with the passenger-loading list (Refer to AP 327 – Medical Alert Conditions, AP 330 – Allergic Shock (Anaphylaxis).
10.3.6 Carrying Capacity - The volunteer driver will ensure that the number of persons being carried in a given passenger vehicle will not exceed the normal carrying capacity of vehicle, and that the vehicle contains an appropriate seat belt and/or restraining device for each passenger as per the Motor Vehicle Act.
10.3.7 Vehicles exceeding a seating capacity of 10, including the driver, are not permitted to be used to transport students.
10.3.8 Booster Seats - Booster seat legislation took effect July 1, 2008 (amendment to Division 36 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, Child Seating and Restraint Systems). This legislation is relevant to the K to 12 school system when considering children riding with a teacher or parent volunteer drivers.
- All drivers are responsible for complying with all child restraint requirements.
- Booster seats are for children over 18 kg. (40 lbs) until they are 9 years old unless they have reached the height on 145 cm (4’9” tall).
10.3.9 Driving Conditions - If inclement weather is likely to cause adverse driving conditions, the supervisor is required to check with police or highways authorities as to driving conditions. The supervisor should decide whether or not to proceed with the trip, and if unsure, should check with the principal. In making the determination, the rule shall be to err on the side of caution.
10.3.10 Reimbursement - Drivers of private motor vehicles may not be reimbursed in cash or kind.
11. Insurance
11.1 To transport students to or from an approved curricular or extra-curricular activity, the District will provide Third Party Legal Liability Insurance in excess of the vehicle owner’s personal limit, according to its special third-party legal liability insurance provisions to:
- each employee of the Board
- each parent who has a student enrolled in a school administered by the Board
- each volunteer person, other than employees or parents, who uses a motor vehicle with the written approval of the school supervisor
11.2 The coverage will not be effective if, at the time of accident or loss, the motor vehicle driver is in breach of the terms or conditions of any other policy issued for the vehicle involved in the accident.
12. Emergency Contacts
12.3 The final itinerary for the trip must be filed with the school and each relevant family, including the name and telephone number of any facility in which students may stay. Any subsequent changes are to be made known to the emergency contact person.
12.4 A plan for emergency procedures must be developed and given to all students, including a 24-hour emergency contact number.
13. Evaluation
13.1 Periodically, the principal should survey students following a trip to determine whether the experience was of value, and free from concerns with respect to safety.
AP 317 – Student Fees
AP 416 – Volunteers
AP 327 – Medical Alert Conditions
AP 328 – Administration of Medication to Students
AP 330 – Allergic Shock (Anaphylaxis) Motor Vehicle Act
Last Revised: June 2023