February 7, 2025 - All schools and bus routes running usual schedules today.
Last update: February 7th 2025 at 6:27am
The purpose of this procedure is to protect students and staff in the Abbotsford School District from the misuse of dangerous weapons or objects on school grounds.
1. A person will not possess, handle, use, display on school grounds, or transport to school grounds any object that can be considered a weapon or an explosive, including but not limited to the following:
Firearms (including replica)
1.1 These items will not be tolerated in any school-related activity, function, or event. The possession or use of objects not generally considered weapons may be prohibited when the principal or designate determines that the object may be dangerous to any student, school employee, or to school property.
2. When a weapon has been confiscated or it is discovered that a person possesses a weapon, the police may be advised (see AP 332 – Search and Seizure). Schools will conduct a Worrisome Behaviour Screener and when deemed necessary, conduct an Assessment of Risk to Others (ARTO).
3. Students who violate this procedure may be disciplined in concert with the District and School Codes of Conduct.
4. Each school principal will ensure that all students and their parents or guardians are provided the school code of conduct at the beginning of each school year.
5. Some students, such as those who follow the Sikh faith, may wear items in observance of their religious beliefs. Such students have a responsibility to communicate these practices to the principal. Students who wear a kirpan should alert the principal who should advise such students about appropriately concealing it.
Emergency Standard Operating Procedures
Board Policy 15 ‘Student Code of Conduct’
(Last Revised: June 2024)