The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that grade 12 graduation is celebrated in a safe and legal manner.
- Graduation celebrations usually consist of three parts: The Graduation Ceremony; the Prom orBanquet/Dance; and the Dry Grad or Lock-in.
- Most schools sponsor “Dry Grad” lock-in parties with the support and help of the parents.
- All graduation activities must conform to Board policies and the law.
- The Board of Education does not condone any graduation activity sponsored by parents or others that isnot jointly planned by the school or supervised by school personnel in accordance with district policiesand the law.
- Schools will inform parents of each graduating student early in the year of the school-sponsoredgraduation activities being planned by the school’s grad council. Parents will be made aware of thepotential for legal liability for allowing minors to participate in non-school sponsored events whereconsuming alcohol is permitted.
School Act
(Last Revised: June 2018)