The following procedures are designed to ensure that all students and staff have access to safe and caring work and learning environments that are inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions, as per the BC Human Rights Code.
It is the responsibility of the principal or site manager to ensure that the procedures below are observed. Each decision on how to support students and staff is individual, and must make emotional and physical safety a priority.
1. Self-Identification
- 1.1 By request, students/staff will be addressed by their chosen name(s) and pronoun(s) that align with their gender identity and gender expression.
- 1.2 In circumstances where a student does not consent to parental disclosure or involvement, district staff will work with the student to determine whether, with appropriate support, the student’s consent can be obtained. No information regarding a student request will be shared with parents if this disclosure could threaten the health, safety, or welfare of a student.
- 1.3 If a student consents, such requests will be shared with appropriate teachers, and noted in any materials (i.e. class lists, timetables, ID cards, report cards, awards etc.) that are accessible to other staff members, including TTOCs.
- 1.4 A student’s or staff member’s self-identification is the sole measure of their gender identity. Students and staff are not required to provide medical documentation to prove their gender identity.
2. Confidentiality and Home/School Communication
- 2.1 The District shall ensure that all personal information relating to students with diverse gender identities and staff shall be kept confidential in accordance with applicable privacy laws. School district staff shall not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to others, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.
- 2.2 School staff must respect students' rights to express their gender identity openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much private information to share.
- 2.3 Students will be provided the opportunity to be advised of their rights regarding their gender identity.
- 2.4 Unless the student or the student’s parent/guardian has specified otherwise, communication between school and home shall use a student’s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student’s gender assigned at birth.
- 2.5 The student will be encouraged to engage in creating a communication plan with a trusted adult. (See AP 339-1 Communication Plan).
3. Washrooms, Change Rooms and Signage
- 3.1 The use of washrooms and change rooms by gender diverse students shall be assessed on a case by case basis with the goals of maximizing the student’s social inclusion, safety and comfort.
- 3.2 Each school will provide at least one easily accessible and clearly marked gender inclusive washroom/change room for use by any student/staff.
- 3.3 The use of a gender inclusive washroom is a matter of choice for students/staff and not a compulsory requirement.
- 3.4 Such facilities should have an interior locking mechanism, as well as signage to display if it is vacant or occupied. A master key should be kept in the office.
- 3.5 Consistent door signage for these facilities will be approved by the Superintendent and made available to all schools.
4. Dress Code
- 4.1 All students and staff have the right to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity and gender expression, and commensurate with the school’s dress code.
5. Curricular and Extra-Curricular Instruction
- 5.1 All students will have access to physical education classes that align with their gender identity.
- 5.2 In circumstances where students are separated by gender, the decision will be the student’s, in consultation with school staff.
- 5.3 All students should be provided the same opportunities to participate in any sex-segregated athletic activities in accordance with their gender identity.
- 5.4 Gender non-conforming students may participate on competitive sports teams in sex segregated sports in accordance with the eligibility rules established by BC School Sports.
6. Overnight field trips
- 6.1 Overnight field trip accommodations for gender diverse students will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- 6.2 Students should be given accommodation that prioritizes their emotional and physical safety.
7. Official School Records
- 7.1 Whenever permitted by law, requests made by a student or the parent/guardian to change an official record to reflect their preferred name and/or gender identity will be accommodated.
8. Training
- 8.1 It is the responsibility of the Superintendent (or designate) to ensure that professional learning opportunities are available for staff and students in the district to develop a broader understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, and that support the inclusion of all gender identities. Training opportunities provided by the district will allow staff and students to appropriately access learning resources and community supports, create gender affirming environments, address discrimination, and support individual needs.
AP 339-1 Communication Plan
Board Policy 15 - Student Code of Conduct
(Last Reviewed: June 2024)