February 7, 2025 - All schools and bus routes running usual schedules today.
Last update: February 7th 2025 at 6:27am
The purpose of this administrative procedure is to outline provisions for registration and attendance at catchment schools, non-catchment schools, and district programs/schools.
In keeping with Section 74.1 and Section 74.2 of the School Act and Board Policy 18 - School Catchment Areas, it is the school district’s responsibility to ensure to the greatest extent possible that each school meets the needs of its catchment population. A school will not enroll out-of-catchment students unless there is sufficient capacity for projected in-catchment students.
1. Registration Priorities
The following priorities are used to determine the acceptance of students in a particular school:
- 1.1 Catchment area students who attended the school during the previous school year;
- 1.2 Siblings of catchment area students who attended the school during the previous year, and continue to attend the same school, with exception of mid-year movement;
- 1.3 New catchment area students, respectively;
- 1.3.1 From a feeder school
- 1.3.2 From a non-feeder school or district program
- 1.3.3 From out of district
- 1.4 Re-applying non-catchment area students who live in district, who attended the school during the previous school year, and continue to attend the same school;
- 1.5 Siblings of non-catchment students who attended the school the previous year as per 1.4 above;
- 1.6 New non-catchment area students (in-district);
- 1.7 Non-school district students;
- Registrations are date and time stamped to assigned priority within each of the categories above.
2. In Catchment Applications
Any student, whose principal place of residence is within a school’s catchment area, is eligible to enrol at that catchment school. Parents or legal guardians must demonstrate that the student’s principal place of residence is within the catchment area. Principals have the authority to request proof of residency annually if they are not satisfied the student is currently living within the catchment.
PART ONE: Required documentation:
- Photo identification for the parent/guardian, such as driver’s licence, passport, Photo BC Services Card, or BCID card.
- Evidence of guardianship (as shown on the child’s long-form birth certificate or other appropriate legal documentation, such as a landed immigrant document or guardianship order).
- Evidence of birth date for the student (e.g., birth certificate or passport)
PART TWO: Evidence of primary residence for the parent/guardian in British Columbia
- One primary source of current-dated documentation showing the address of residence with the name of the parent/guardian. **(e.g., Utility bill (electricity, gas), Canada Revenue Agency documents, BC Medical Services Plan invoice/statement)
- One secondary source current-dated document showing the address of residence with the name of the parent/guardian. **(internet service for the address, Subject-Free Home Purchase contract, Insurance statements or policies, Health documents (medical reports or letters), Employment pay slips).
If the school’s principal is not satisfied that the documentation adequately demonstrates that the stated address is the student’s principal place of residence, he/she may request further proof of residence, showing the same address.
The principal may also request a properly sworn Statutory Declaration from the enrolling parent or legal guardian attesting that the student’s principal place of residence is the place indicated in the enrolment application.Applicants should note that making a false statutory declaration may constitute the criminal offence of perjury, contrary to section 131 of the Canadian Criminal Code.
Applicants should also note that a false statement about the student’s principal place of residence will result in the school principal repealing the student’s placement.
3. Out-of-Catchment Applications
Any student whose principal place of residence is not within the local school boundaries is considered an out-of-catchment student. Out-of-catchment students may only be enrolled if there is sufficient capacity after reserving places for students who move into the catchment during the year, and after considering the applicable class configuration guidelines, available resources, and the school’s projected future enrolment. The following procedures will apply:
- 3.1 All out-of-catchment students who have been accepted into a school will be required to reapply for placement on an annual basis.
- 3.2 Students who move out of a school catchment area during a school calendar year will have the option of remaining at their current school until the end of the school year. Those students will be transferred to their new catchment area school for the following September.
- 3.3 New out-of-catchment applications will be placed on a waiting list and reviewed at the end of the first week of school (September).
- 3.4 Where there is significant enrolment pressure in a catchment, the superintendent may entirely close a catchment to non-catchment applications.
4. Registration Periods for Catchment Schools
The following registration timelines will apply:
- 4.1 First Registration Period (Kindergarten only)
Registration for Kindergarten students will commence the third Monday of January each year, until the end of the first week of the following school year (September). Seats will be assigned based on the registration priorities listed above in Section 1.- 4.2 Second Registration Period (Grades 1-12)
Registration applications will be received at the school between the first Monday of February each year and the end of the first week of the following school year (September). Seats will be assigned based on the registration priorities listed above in Section 1.- 4.3 Third Registration Period
Applications received after the end of the first week of the school year will be reviewed as they are received. If space, facilities, and class composition are deemed appropriate, the student will be admitted to the catchment area school. If not, an alternate placement will be made for the remainder of the school year.
5. District Programs Placement
All Abbotsford families have access to District Programs. Placements in district programs are awarded based on a lottery system, application, or are automatically transitioned from a current district program to the next level of school. A District program has the entire district as its catchment, with the exception of elementary French Immersion schools, which have defined catchment areas within the district. The following registration criteria and timelines will apply to these programs:
- 5.1 French Immersion (Clearbrook, Centennial, Margaret Stenersen, Sandy Hill, Chief Dan George, W J Mouat)
- 5.1.1 The application will commence the fourth Monday of January, until the fourth Friday of January. Students with an older sibling in the program will be given priority placement over new applicants. Seats will be assigned the second week of February on a proportional basis by catchment area via a random selection process.
- 5.1.2 Parents are encouraged to attend an information session outlining expectations for all French Immersion Programs prior to completing their application. New students will not be accepted into the Late Immersion Program after the last Friday in September unless they are transferring from another Late or Early French Program.
- 5.2 Abbotsford School of the Integrated Arts (North Poplar, Sumas Mountain)
- 5.2.1 The application for Kindergarten students will commence the fourth Monday of January, until the fourth Friday of January. Students with an older sibling in the program will be given priority placement over new applicants. Seats will be assigned the second week of February, on a proportional basis by catchment area, via random selection process.
- 5.2.2 Registration for all other students (grades 1 to 12) will follow the registration periods
outlined above in 4.2. Waitlisted students will be accepted firstly on a proportional basis by
catchment area, and thereafter on a first come first served basis.- 5.2.3 In addition, students who newly apply for placement into ASIA Sumas Mountain will be
accepted based on interest and aptitude in the arts.- 5.2.4 Students in the elementary program will automatically transition to the next Integrated Arts school level unless the school is notified otherwise.
- 5.3 Traditional School Kindergarten Lottery
- 5.3.1 The application for new Kindergarten students will commence on the fourth Monday of January, until the fourth Friday of January. Students with an older sibling enrolle in the program will have priority for any available spots.
- 5.3.2 Seats will be assigned the second week of February, on a proportional basis by catchment area, via random selection process.
- 5.3.3 Registration for all other students (grades 1 to 12) will follow the registration periods
outlined above in Section 4.2. Waitlisted students will be accepted firstly on a proportional basis by catchment area, and thereafter on a first come first served basis.- 5.4 International Baccalaureate Application (Abbotsford Senior Secondary)
- 5.4.1 Registration for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme will commence on the first Monday of February each year.
- 5.4.2 To be considered for the programme students must have a minimum cumulative B average and exceptional work habits and behaviour, as attested by the sending principal.
- 5.4.3 If there are more qualified applicants than seats, after catchment students have been placed, eligible non-catchment students will be assigned on a proportional basis by catchment area until available seats are filled.
- 5.4.4 Eligible non-catchment students must be enrolled in the full IB Diploma Programme in grades 11 & 12 to remain at Abbotsford Senior Secondary.
- 5.5 Sports Academies Applications (Soccer, Baseball, Golf)
- 5.5.1 Applications for all sports academies will commence on the first Monday of February each year and seats will be assigned the first week of May, based on the registration priorities listed above.
- 5.5.2 To be considered for acceptance into any sports academy, students must hold a cumulative B average (Students on IEP and adapted programs will be exempted from this requirement), and must meet or exceed behavioural expectations, as attested by the sending principal.
- 5.5.3 If there are more qualified applicants than seats students will be assigned on a proportional basis by catchment area until available seats are filled.
- 5.5.4 Note that for all sports academies, priority will be given to in-district students over out-of district students.
- 5.5.5 In addition to the above criteria, district sport academies will make decisions based on established criteria related to the skills, abilities, and experience of apllicants in the respective sport.
- 5.6 Soccer Academy Application
- 5.6.1 In addition to the above criteria, a program-specific assessment will be conducted by the school. Students must possess soccer skills.
- 5.7 Baseball/Softball Academy Application
- 5.8.1 In addition to the above criteria, students must possess baseball/softball skills.
- 5.8 Golf Academy Application
- 5.8.1 In addition to the above criteria, students must possess golf skills.
- 5.9 Students that choose to withdraw from a district program mid-way through a school year must register at their catchment school and date and time stamps will determine placement. Having a sibling at the school does not give priority registration mid-way through the school year.
- 5.10 Home based & Blended Learning Programs (Abbotsford Virtual School) Abbotsford Virtual School offers teacher-supported home-based and blended learning options for students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Registration is exclusively online through Abbotsford Virtual School. Students residing within the Abbotsford School District are welcome to register but must also enroll at their catchment school as a precaution in case space is unavailable.
6. District Required Transfer (Forced Transfer)
Placement of newly arrived students: When a student moves into a school catchment area but the school does not have room in a class at the student’s grade level, the principal or designate will contact the Assistant Superintendent’s Office to arrange for a district-required transfer (Board Policy 18.3). The transfer is in effect for the immediate school year. If space becomes available mid-year, students may return to their catchment school. Students will be required to attend their catchment school in the following school year.
- 6.1 New registration - the catchment school verifies the student's address in ‘School Locator’, welcomes him/her to the district, and will take complete student registration information. When there is no space, the first two pages of the registration form for each child is provided by email to the Assistant Superintendents’ Office.
- 6.2 The Assistant Superintendent’s office will investigate options for alternate placement within walking distance of the student’s address. If necessary, they will consult with the Transportation Department, for suitable placement at a school beyond walk limits.
- 6.3 The available school option(s) will typically be the closest school(s) with appropriate space, and/or the school where bussing can be provided, if over walk limits.
- 6.4 The Assistant Superintendent’s office notifies the catchment school and receiving school of the placement. The receiving school contacts the family to welcome them to their school. If required they will ask the family to complete a transportation form.
- 6.5 The catchment school will share the registration information with the accepting school, and advise parents to contact the school.
Please note: While every effort is made to arrange a transfer as soon as possible, parents and students should be advised to allow up to five days for approval and processing.
The force transfer is in effect for the immediate school year – however, if space becomes available, students may opt to return to the catchment school. Callback is based on registration time and date stamp.
Catchment schools are to maintain a waitlist of these students and confirm with them in February for the following September. Should a student wish to remain at a force transfer school, they must complete AP 336-3 when registration opens for the next school year on the first Monday of February, as per Section 3 above.
If the placement of a transferring student is outside of walk limits from their home address and transportation is required, the cost of the transportation will be covered by the district. If the student wishes to remain at a force transfer school and is accepted as an out-of-catchment student for the next school year, bus costs are no longer covered by the district. Walk limits are defined in Administrative Procedure 307.
AP 336-1 Student Registration Form
AP 336-2 Request for Email Address Consent (CASL) Form
AP 336-3 In-District Non-Catchment Request Form
AP 336-4 Out of District Request Form
AP 336-5 School-Based Team Support
Board Policy 18, School Catchment Areas
(Last Revised: January 2025)