February 7, 2025 - All schools and bus routes running usual schedules today.
Last update: February 7th 2025 at 6:27am
The Abbotsford School District places significant value on the trees that grace our community, and desires to ensure that trees are removed only when absolutely necessary, with appropriate consultation, and only with the proper approval.
1. Definition
1.1 For the purpose of this procedure a “tree” is defined as a member species of coniferous or deciduous genus with a trunk diameter greater than 20 cm measured 90 cm above the ground. (Reference: City of Abbotsford Consolidated Tree Protection By-law, 1995, By-law No. 55-95, Interpretation.)
2. Tree Removal
2.1 Whenever a tree on School District property is identified as a candidate for removal, for whatever reason, School District staff shall follow this procedure to ensure that all interested stakeholders are consulted prior to any removal taking place.
2.2 Trees may only be removed with the express consent of the Director of Facilities and Transportation or designate.
2.3 Wherever possible the removed trees will be replaced by new trees as per City By-law.
2.4 Concerns about either the health and/or stability of a tree shall be referred to the Facilities (Grounds) Department.
2.5 The Grounds Department will make an initial assessment and engage an arborist if concerns or doubts exist.
2.6 If the arborist’s report includes removal recommendations, these recommendations will be reviewed with the City’s By-laws enforcement officer. The manager responsible for Grounds will review the arborist’s report with the school principal and solicit their feedback.
(Last Revised: June 2019)