February 7, 2025 - All schools and bus routes running usual schedules today.
Last update: February 7th 2025 at 6:27am
The purpose of this administrative procedure is to establish guidelines for the management of learning commons resources to ensure the collection continually evolves, remains relevant and responsive to supporting the goals of the curriculum, and is in alignment with the School Act, Safe Schools Act and district expectations.
1. Definition
1.1 The term ‘library learning commons’ (LLC) refers to a space in every school where students are empowered to be ‘inquiring citizens and lifelong learners. As such, the LLC must provide a safe and welcoming space. It values and enforces inclusiveness and equitable access to both physical and virtual resources. It promotes a culture of reading, literacy, and technology integration. The LLC offers print and digital collections that support multiple literacy levels, abilities, learning styles, and curricula.” (BCTLA)
1.2 The term ‘LLC resources’ refers to all multi-format resources housed in the LLC and online. This includes any print or non-print materials and a variety of audio-visual and digital materials, sometimes used by teachers and students for formal or informal teaching and/or learning purposes.
1.3 The term ‘collection development’ refers to the systematic assessment, selection, and deselection of resources in the school LLC. Ensuring the collection supports the curriculum and provides resources to enrich and inspire student inquiry and love of reading.
1.4 The term ‘censorship’ is defined as the removal, suppression, or restricted circulation of literary, artistic, or educational images, ideas, and/or information on moral or ethical grounds.
1.5 The term ‘weeding/deselection’ refers to the removal of materials from the learning commons collection in a systemic and deliberate way.
2. All resources purchased for the LLC must be purchased using the district’s Learning Commons Resource Selection Criteria (AP 213-1 Criteria for the Selection of Library Learning Commons (LLC) Resources). Consultation with the LLC teacher and/or a Library Technician is advised when selecting resources for the learning commons.
3. Principles Supporting the Selection of Learning Commons Resources
The selection of learning commons resources is guided by the following principles:
3.1 LLC teachers and library technicians have a professional responsibility to provide students with a wide range of resources that meet provincial core competencies and curricular standards.
3.2 Resources in the LLC will reflect Abbotsford School District’s policies and procedures pertaining to safe schools, inclusion and respect.
3.3 The resources in the LLC are appropriate suitable for various ages, grade levels and interests of the students in the school.
3.4 The challenge of a Learning Commons resource by any staff member, parent or student will result in a thoughtful review of the resource.
4. Criteria for the Selection of Learning Commons Resources
Resources in the LLC should support the BC Curriculum and be consistent with guidelines and criteria as established by the Ministry of Education and Child Care. LLC staff are expected to demonstrate judicious care and consideration to the content of resources made available to students. The selection of resources is a professional matter, and is guided by professional expertise, judgment, and sensitivity to apply the criteria when choosing resources. All resources will not necessarily meet all the criteria listed below.
a) Appropriateness to Program
b) Suitability for Students
c) Equity and Inclusiveness
d) Canadian Content and Publication
e) Quality of Visual and Physical Format
f) Cost and Durability
5. Challenge Process
5.1 Where a resource is in use in an LLC, any staff members, parents/guardians, or students have a responsibility to respectfully discuss any concerns with their child’s teacher and/or the LLC teacher to arrive at a mutually agreed upon solution.
5.2 On the basis of appropriateness, any staff members, parents/guardians, or students may formally challenge resources that are in use in an LLC where their child is enrolled. Concerns regarding the use of learning commons resources must first be addressed and resolved, if possible, at the school level with the LLC team, and in turn the principal.
5.3 If the concern cannot be resolved at the school level, the request should then be directed to the challenge process below:
5.3.1 The questioner must file their challenge using AP 213-3 Library Learning Commons (LLC) Challenge form which must be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum who will strike a Reconsideration Committee to review the resource. The Reconsideration Committee shall be comprised of the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, the District Administrator responsible for Library Services, a member of the LLC team, the school’s principal, a student representative, and a parent representative (from the District Parent Advisory Council).
5.3.2 The Reconsideration Committee will review the material using the AP 213-2 Criteria for the Deselection of Resources from the Library Learning Commons (LLC), as well as the concerns expressed by the questioner.
The Reconsideration Committee:
- Will examine the challenged resource in the context of the purpose of the LLC in schools, and the BC provincial curriculum.
- Will weigh the benefits and shortfalls of the resource and form an opinion based on the material as a whole.
- May invite the questioner to attend a Reconsideration Committee meeting.
- Will make a determination and communicate it to the questioner.
5.3.3 Resources being challenged should remain in circulation during the reconsideration process.
5.3.4 If the Reconsideration Committee determines that the resource is not appropriate for the LLC in question, it will no longer be available for student sign-out.
5.3.5 If the Reconsideration Committee determines that the resource is appropriate, and the questioner is not satisfied, an appeal may be filed to the Board of Education by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer’s office.
AP 213-1 Criteria for the Selection of Library Learning Commons (LLC) Resources
AP 213-2 Criteria for Deselection of Resources from the Library Learning Commons (LLC)
AP 213-3 Library Learning Commons (LLC) Challenge Form
Last revised: March 2024